EnglishMujeres en la Industria

Gender equality and energy

Gender equality Unit of the Energy Agency of the State of Puebla

Women fight from several fronts to pave the way to opportunities and to claim their rights. Today, the women of the Energy Agency of the State of Puebla work towards a more inclusive, equitable, and transversal energy sector for all. This sector is highly masculinized, and although women are the minority, we work every day to open new spaces alongside our colleagues, lifting each other. For that reason, we created the Gender Equality Unit; a project that aims to promote equality and the transversalization of the gender perspective within the organization and towards the energy sector.

With only months since its creation, we already have ambitious projects to have concrete measures that help women advance. Among them is a Gender Balance Initiative; which seeks women to be equitably represented in events and publications. #ThereAreWomenExperts and we have to make them visible.

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On the other hand, the Recommendations for Hiring and Promotion with a Gender Perspective for those institutions, organizations, and companies seek to promote greater equality from their human resources areas.

Also, the Gender Equality Unit has created the Dialogues for Equality, a space where we talk with women whose trajectories have paved the way for all of us who come behind. These and other projects give rise to our Institutional Plan for Gender Equality to be published the following year, being the spearhead in the sector.

If you want to know more about this Unit at the Energy Agency of the State of Puebla, consult the following link: http://agenciadeenergia.puebla.gob.mx/unidad-de-igualdad-sustantiva

Mercedes Hernández Ferrer, Head of the Institutional Culture Department within the Gender Equality Unit

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